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Chamberlain Insurance Agency Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Choosing the Right Umbrella Insurance Policy: A Guide to Extra Liability Coverage

When it comes to personal insurance, most people are familiar with their auto, homeowners, or renters policies. However, fewer may be aware of umbrella insurance-a type of coverage that goes beyond the limits of your...

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Essential Safety Gear for Motorcyclists: A Guide to Protection on the Road

Riding a motorcycle offers an unparalleled sense of freedom and excitement, but it also comes with its share of risks. To ensure safety on the road, it's crucial for motorcyclists to invest in proper safety gear. From...

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Avoiding Common Home Insurance Claims During Renovations

Renovating your home can be an exciting journey, transforming your living space into the dream dwelling you've always wanted. However, amidst the excitement, it's crucial to undertake precautions to avoid common...

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Essential Fire Safety Tips for Your Home

Taking care of fire safety at home is a key part of managing your household. Each year, fires in residential areas cause significant property damage. However, many of these incidents may be prevented with the right...

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Tips for Towing a Boat Trailer to Reduce Accidents and Insurance Claims

Owning a boat can make weekends and vacations fun and memorable. Follow these tips to help ensure that when you’re towing your boat you’re being as safe as possible to lower the risk of accidents and unwanted insurance...

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Top Home Improvement Projects That Can Increase Your Home Value

When you tackle home improvement projects, it’s wise to prioritize those that add the most to your property’s value, especially if you might put your home on the market in the next few years. Here are the renovations...

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Preparing Your Teen Driver for Different Road Conditions and Situations

If you have a young driver in your home, you may be fearful about them driving on their own, especially in bad weather or road construction. Here are some tips to share with them to improve safety by adapting their...

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How to Winterize and Properly Store Your Boat

Your boat is an investment that gives you tons of fun all summer long. But come the cold weather months, you want to make sure it’s properly winterized before you store it, so it’s protected from weather and other...

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Save Money With These Smart Home Devices That Make Your Home Safer

Homeowners today have never had more ways to save money through technology. Here are five smart home devices that will help you cut down on your bills and improve your home’s safety. Better safety can mean fewer...

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Renting vs. Owning a Home: Protect Your Property No Matter Which You Prefer

If you’re on the fence about renting or owning a home, here’s a helpful look at the upsides of each option. Remember to get the right insurance when you make your choice, so your property is fully protected. The...

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Defensive Driving Techniques to Avoid Accidents and Insurance Claims

If you want to reduce your risk of traffic accidents and the insurance claims that accompany them - which could cause your premium to go up - you need to drive defensively. Here are some driving tips to help you avoid...

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What to Look for When Buying a House to Avoid Unnecessary Insurance Claims

If you’re house hunting, you’re probably looking at many elements like the number of bedrooms or how updated the kitchen is. Don’t forget to check for these things too, which which may help avoid home insurance claims...

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Benefits of Safe Driving Apps

Many insurance carriers today offer smartphone apps that track telematics to monitor driving. Here’s how they work and how these apps may help you lower your auto insurance premium, along with a few other advantages. ...

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4 Water-Saving Tips for Your Garden

Water has been in short supply in many areas of the United States lately. And even if it’s bountiful where you live, you may be paying more for water than you’d like. Here are some tips for using less water and saving...

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The Importance of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Your auto insurance is one of the most important elements of your personal insurance portfolio. But some people purchase only the minimum required liability coverage, not realizing they may be leaving themselves open to...

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Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation

Whether you’re just getting away for a long weekend or spending a few weeks out of the house, it’s important to ensure your home is safe while you’re gone. Follow these tips to help prevent break-ins, fires, and water...

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Family Emergency Preparedness Checklist

It seems like every day on the news that we hear stories about a hurricane, flood, or wildfire creating massive damage in the U.S. and putting people out of their homes. Have you thought about how your family would...

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How to Choose the Right Smart Security Camera

A security camera can help protect your property against intruders or provide evidence in the event of a break-in. But with all the technology available today, it can be tough to figure out which smart security camera...

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Grill Safely With These Outdoor Cooking Tips

Grilling food is a fun pastime, and it’s ideal on those summer days when you don’t want to heat up the kitchen. But every year, there are accidents and home fires because people don’t grill safely. Follow these tips to...

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What to Check Before Buying a Used Car

With the new car market impacted by shipping delays, many people are choosing to buy used cars lately. And some people only purchase a used vehicle because it saves them money and lets the first owner figure out if it’s...

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Should I Notify My Insurance Company About a New Puppy?

Having a new puppy join your household can change your life. The snuggles and kisses make getting up in the middle of the night for potty breaks worth it, but in the whirlwind of change, it’s easy to forget some...

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Things to Know When Shopping for Home and Auto Insurance

If you’re looking around for home or auto insurance, you may find the process confusing, especially if you’re new to buying coverage and aren’t familiar with the terminology. Here are five essential things you should...

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Simple Household Pest Control Methods

No one likes the thought of having pests in their home, whether they be rodents, cockroaches, ants, or any other common household pests. If pest activity is common in your area, it is important to take steps to prevent...

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Landscape Maintenance Tips for Your Yard

You've worked hard to create a beautiful garden for your yard, but there is more to yard maintenance than simply mowing the lawn and watering the plants. There are plenty of other tasks you'll need to complete in order...

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Why You May Need Personal Offense Coverage

In today’s digital world, slander and libel lawsuits are more common than you may think. Comments made in haste or anger on social media can have lasting and far-reaching effects on a person’s reputation or character,...

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How Independent Agents Are Different from Captive Agents

When it comes to buying insurance, you have two primary options available to you: independent agents like us, and captive agents. While both can provide insurance services, these two types of insurance agents are not...

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How to Decide If Solar Panels Are Right for Your Home

Solar panels can provide clean electricity for your home, helping you to save money on energy costs while also doing your part to help the environment. However, not all homes are suited to solar energy. Here's what you...

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How to Make a Fire Safety Plan

No one likes to think about the possibility of a fire in their home, but this is one situation where it definitely pays to be prepared. This is especially true if you have children or pets in your home. Read on to learn...

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How to Choose Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are essential for any home, so you should ensure that your house is equipped with them. You should have detectors in the main living areas on each floor, including in every bedroom...

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How to Evaluate and Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

Today's modern appliances are much more energy-efficient than their predecessors, and some are even better than the rest. When shopping for appliances, you'll likely be overwhelmed by choice, so it is important to know...

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Benefits of Using a Dash Cam

More and more people these days are choosing to add dash cams to their vehicles, and for good reason. These small cameras can be highly useful to you, especially in the event that you get a traffic ticket or are...

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Tips for Saving Money on Heating and Cooling Your Home

If you're like most people, you like to keep your home at a comfortable temperature throughout the year. However, running your heater or air conditioner constantly uses a lot of energy, and your electric and gas bills...

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Commonly Overlooked Spring Cleaning Tasks

Spring is a common time for people to take on all of the cleaning tasks that they put off during the winter. With the weather getting warmer, it's the perfect time to tackle jobs both inside and outside your home. While...

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Upgrading Your Windows - How to Choose What's Best for Your House

You may not give the windows on your home much thought, but they can actually make a big difference not just in your comfort level, but also in the value of your home. You'll have a wide range of options to choose from,...

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Swimming Safety: 10 Tips for Summer

Summer is here and people are flocking to the water — whether it’s the beach, a lake, a river or a backyard pool. But, wherever there’s water, there’s also danger. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and...

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Inexpensive Fixes for a Safer Home

Home improvement: It’s a never-ending process for many people, and for those of us who aren’t necessarily handy, it can be a hassle, too. But there are plenty of simple maintenance tasks and other improvements you can...

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